Glorious Gold!

Well, we thought this trend might come and go, but the strength of warm gold metals keeps growing stronger and shows no sign of waning. From decorative accents on furniture to full finishes, this luxurious detail is so much more than what we remember from the 80’s.

One of the most noticeable differences is the fact that gold metals are not as polished as they were a few decades ago. Although they are definitely showing in high polished finishes in certain uses, the matte or living finishes seem to be far more popular. Their softer appearance has a broader appeal, and adds a touch of elegance wherever they appear.

Throughout history, brass and gold metals have been a design staple in everything from lighting to furniture and mirrors to decorative accents. Like everything, it has morphed and changed and continues to do so, but an oldie is definitely a goodie.

Adding to the success of gold metals is their usage with light and neutral palettes. Whereas silver metals can often cool a neutral space down, the mix of light toned textures combined with soft golds looks very warm and inviting. It can also create a dreamy feminine aesthetic with just a few simple accents. Throw in a dash of pink and you have a modern space to die for.

Even in spaces like the kitchen and bathroom, gold has found a place to succeed. Faucets and hardware, lighting and tile are all showing this trend, and prove how effective and impactful even the smallest addition of gold can make.

So even though it may still not be your chosen finish, gold is here to stay and I, for one, am VERY happy about that!!
Yours in design,